June Rock Love

Hey, fellow babies.

My short story, Rock Love, was accepted by Eternal Haunted Summer for publication! What a nice surprise. It’s an odd little story about a rock that’s in love with another rock. No, really, that’s what it’s about. I set it in my little garden patch. No monsters, no blood or violence and mentions galore of the little creatures that lurk among my sage and irises. The yard toads, the blackbirds, the mice and gophers and whatever else wandered through for a bit.

School is out. Yippee!!

On the last day of school, with the kids, that is– the powers that be decided I and another drone-peasant-scapegoat-serf…should fill out billing for the one on one students we worked with. Document this since spring break’s end, which was about April 1 or so. Ahem. What? It’s Medicare [Medicaid?] billing, which is federal, which can land you in trouble or even jail if you report something wrong. I have not been doing this all year. The other person has kept records but she also wasn’t asked to do billing stuff until THE LAST FREAKING DAY OF SCHOOL.

I’d have to confer with teachers, etc,, on exactly what times and dates I worked with the one on one student. I subbed over at the alt school quite a bit so…ugh.

I did take a training, but way back in September. I discover I do have an account, which you need to even log on and…ugh. We try to get this done on Thursday, the work day for staff, with no students there. And it’s due that day or something horrible and no, we didn’t get it figured out and the powers that be are mad and blaming me and the other person for not getting money to fund paraprofessionals and…sigh. That’s was my last day of work. I have no idea if I even work there or if I do, what school I’m at next year.

Should just go find a much better paying job closer to home, as I work in, gasp, Idaho, which is a shitshow of shitshows these days.

It’s been cold and stormy here but we’re heating up.

I did go on a day trip to Sumpter, Oregon, to the flea market they hold on major summer holidays. As it’s in the mountains and trying to get up there on those roads would be a sick, sad joke in colder weather. I had a such a good time. I found mostly jewelry and had a hamburger. My door stuck on my vehicle going back and that caused me untold stress but I got it closed and just drove straight back instead of rock hunting as I had planned. Fucking car. Fuck you, car, you fucking fuck. And yeah, the gas gauge is stuck on empty, but the mechanics are guddling about with it today.

And the Memorial Day Monday I did this was gorgeous. We’d been having storms and wind but Monday was perfect.

I have nothing planned for this summer. Gonna try and write, get stuff sent off. Gonna garden and move rocks about and yell at the dogs for trampling the flowers I have managed to get to grow.

It’s my birthday soon and I ordered a lawn flamingo, a shirt and a cat-covered mini dress, which I’ll wear as a shirt. Birthday presents, check check!

Another story of mine, Marilyn Mercury, was accepted as well. By Samjoko Magazine.

Mouthpiece will be in Horror Zine this summer.

Cassie’s Story was accepted by Great Weather For Media.

I was worried this year might be a wasteland for me, submission-wise. So far, not that great but got some things ‘out there’.

Oh– the above picture is the Malheur Butte, taken in May 2024.